The front view of the facade miniature of “Vlamingstraat 42” in Delft is a faithful copy of the seventeenth century facade as painted frontally by Johannes Vermeer in his painting “The Little Street”. For example, the brickwork is the same as in Vermeer’s painting, because the size of the bricks has been copied from the painting and then etched in messing. Then we used mat varnish and pigments to create the relief and colour as accurately as possible. The third dimension ‘depth’ in the miniature is based on the accurate study of subtle indications to be discovered in the painting, for example in the construction of the frames and their recessed position in the wall. The depth of the tiled floor, which almost covers the entire width of the premises, could be calculated on the basis of the size of the tiles.
At the moment there are two miniatures available.
The price is 3.000 Euro (excluding shipping costs). Send us an email